Friday, March 30, 2012

You Got to Have a Zacchaeus

So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.
 5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.  Luke 9:4-6

In the book " The 11 Most Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without" Leonard Sweet felt that of all of the variety of people one of them needs to be a Zacchaeus.  Someone that is socially akward, someone up a tree, someone that isn't in the in crowd.  Listen as he paints this picture of a Zacchaeus.   " Some people are drawn to thoroughbreds.  Others are drawn to mongrels.  But almost nobody is drawn to misbehaving weirdos gifted in oddness.  Except Jesus, who expects us to do as he did." pg 146

So in your facebook community or real community who's the Zacchaeus?  You know the one who is really up a tree: socially, economically, mentally or emotionally? The truth is....we all are or can be up a tree during a variety of segments of our lives about one thing or another...and this person helps us to keep a good relationship with even our own weirdnesses.  So during this chapter and during your life here's what it's important we all remember as we live, work, and play:  
1.  Zacchaeus are up a tree (or maybe even hiding under a rock). 
2.  They are one of a kind. - there's value you in not being a cookie cutter. 
3. They are out there....meaning...outer space sometimes (radical which remember...Jesus & His followers were branded as radicals)....and who else would get you to explore it, if not them.  Chances are they don't go to your church or even A church.      
4. Be aware that a Zacchaeus is in trouble.   SERIOUSLY...he or she's the one...people are saying "I don't think you should be hanging with, or talking to......"  If you hear got the right one.  Just think had Jesus followed the publics opinion....the disciples wouldn't have been disciples.
5.  Zacchaeus's tend to be inefficient, but don't be deceived they are worth your time...remember Christ was on His way somewhere...but made time to have an intimate evening with Zacchaeus, and evening which was transformational.  When was the last time you spent time with your Zacchaeus...or invited one over for dinner?

No  matter who you are....we need to be following Christ's example of relationship building.  He didn't discriminate or exclude folks because of what OTHER people said....but rather engaged in conversation and or life with least favorable folks. 

Look around your neighborhood, work group, or even church community...surely there's someone you could stand to get to know better, and the goal is only that....NOT TO CONVERT THEM TO BE ANOTHER YOU, for heavens NO!!!!  But to solely get to know them, so that you could value what GOD there creator values about them.  I think that's a you......Have them over for dinner......LGLP

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Withness 7: You Need a (Deborah) Back Coverer

Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, judged Israel at that time......And she sent and called Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, Has not the Lord, the God of Israel, commanded [you], Go, gather your men at Mount Tabor, taking 10,000 men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun?
    7And I will draw out Sisera, the general of Jabin's army, to meet you at the river Kishon with his chariots and his multitude, and I will deliver him into your hand?
    8And Barak said to her, If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.
    9And she said, I will surely go with you; nevertheless, the trip you take will not be for your glory, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arose and went with Barak to Kedesh. (Judges 4:4, 6-10)

In the book " The 11....." by Leonard Sweet he talks about the importance of having someone to cover you back, and Deborah like individual.  He says if you gonna need a guide, you will as well need a guardian like Deborah because it's a guarantee you will get it in the back.  Listen to how he puts this: 

The worlds is filled with people  who like nothing better than to kill- your reputation, your spirit and your mission.........  If your life is on mission for good & God, you'll be the first one fired by enemies and by friends.  It doesn't matter how good  you are; you're going to get criticism, and usually it comes via the back door.   And it's going to be more than back-biting.  It's going to be back stabbing, or worse.  If you recall, it was the religious establishment that gold Jesus His healing was a work of the Devil............The ultimate betrayal is when the back-guard becomes the back-stabber.  Look around you at the your circle of closest friends.  You can be certain of one thing: One of them will betray you.   You say, " No, certainly not! Not my friends." I say, " Are you better than Jesus?"

The truth is, Sweet doesn't say that we need a back-stabber....but the reality is you don't have to hire or recruit for one...they will willingly volunteer for the job.  But what is true you need, you want, we should all desire that someone is willing to keep watch over us while we yet sleep or even work for the greater good.    Jesus was not only stabbed in the back once...but twice by individuals who were in His inner circle.  Everyone is quick to remember old Judas...but what about Peter...and denying him three times?   The difference is that Peter repented and instead of ending his life, decide to really give it to the cause of Christ.   What was AMAZING was that CHRIST actually washed both of their fetes, knowing what both of them would do futuristically.    For my readers today.....take note of Jesus heart even towards the back-stabbers.....He still humbly served them.  So while I pray that each of you have guardian angels on Earth that desire to make sure you fulfill GOD's appointed mission....I pray even more that you love your enemies....or back-stabbers as Christ loved His.  REALLY LGLP!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Who's Your Yoda (Peter/Paul)?

By far, to me, one of the most interesting chapters of " The 11.............." by Leonard Sweet is the chapter titled " Withness 6: Who's Your Peter/Paul?  You Need A Yoda" not because I am a Star Wars junkie at heart, but because if we are honest: " each one of us needs a Yoda- a mentor, a guru, a coach, a spiritual teacher/director --if we are to complete successfully the missions to which God is summoning us........Each one of us needs someone to look up to, a wiser, (usually) older, God-energized guide who can help us find our way through this new and unfamiliar landscape landscape that is not for the faint hearts or weak stomachs." pg 115

And he appointed twelve (whom he also names apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach and have authority to cast our demons.  Mark 3:14-15

Paul wanted Timothy to accompany him, and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those places, for they all knew that his father was a Greek. Acts 16:3

The disciples had Jesus.   Timothy had Paul.  Luke had Yoda.  Neo had Morpheus......but what about you?  Who's voice is it that helps you make the tough decisions, and forces you to pause before making the ones that appear to be no brainers that helps you to listen to what it is or maybe the Spirit is calling you to?  Mine...has been a host of people, from Mark Mueller (a dear brother in the faith), my stepfather Alvin Center, to my old constant brother Dr. Richard Exley, to a few great men and women of the faith that have Pastored me over the years.   Without these individuals....I am certain that I wouldn't be where I am today, nor would I be the person I am becoming.   What about you?  Who's your Paul/Peter/Yoda...who's on your a good way that's talking you through the major decisions of your life?  If you don't have someone......(JESUS is a great first choice....but until you can truly say you know HIS voice) you might be benefited by someone who already does know HIS voice, and listens to HIM regularly, that loves you...and wants to see you be/do your best.  If you already have that person who's "showing your the ropes" bless them today with a email of appreciation or even a shout out....LGLP

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Who's Your Barnabas.....Your Encourager?

In the book " The 11 Most Indispensable Relationship That You Can't Be Without" Leonard Sweet mentions the importance of having an encourager in your band of brothers/sisters.  Someone who believes in you, and desires to see your candle stay lit.  Listen to how he paints a picture of the need of such a person when your day or days get dark... 

 " What curls you into fetal position?  Death of a loved one?  Depression? Fear of the unknown?  Collapse of a relationship?  Dreaded diagnosis?  Sickness?   When I'm sick, here's my routine: go home, shut the door, close the blinds, and crawl in bed.  And go into fetal position.  I unconsciously want to re-create the conditions of the womb: darkness (hence the closed curtains or blinds), warmth (hence the hot water bottles, and warm blankets), quiet (turn off loud noises -only simple soothing rhythms), cramped quarters (tuck in the bedsheets or comforter).  I want to recreate that time in my life when I felt most secure and taken care of the womb.  

No one can keep you from going into that fetal position...but they can encouraged you to uncurl........ pg 103"

26 When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. 27 But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus. Acts 9:26-27

See it was the Barnabas in scripture that spoke up for Saul (newly converted Paul) when the other disciples were afraid of him.  It was the Barnabas in Sam that spoke into the life of Frodo Baggins when the days got dark or the road ahead was tough.....that encouraged him to continue.  Who's that person for you; that will not allow the worst day for you, to get any worst?   That when everyone else has given up on you....they still believe in you?  " Someone who, when life takes your breath away and you hold it in, will slap your back and inspire you with the enlivening Spirit who makes you want to breathe again; ......"
As certain as I am you need a Barnabas (and it's important you identify who HE or SHE is) you also need to be a Barnabas for someone.  Here's your challenge today follow these scriptures:  But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness (Heb. 13:3) and 2Cor. 13:11  Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.  LGLP

Monday, March 26, 2012

Who's Your Timothy?

Continuing our study of the book " The 11........" by Leonard Sweet, in the chapter " Withness 4:  Who's Your Timothy?"  he talks about the importance of discipling and that " If the church members have a responsibility to replicate themselves in the form of a new converts, how much more should church leaders replicate themselves in the form of new ministerial candidates?.............Cloning isn't present in the Bible either.  Joshua is not a Moses clone.  Timothy was not a Paul Clone."

The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent. Exodus 33:11

16May the LORD, the God who gives breath to all living things, appoint someone over this community 17 to go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the LORD’s people will not be like sheep without a shepherd.”
 18 So the LORD said to Moses, “Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit of leadership,[a] and lay your hand on him. Numbers 27:16-18

So just as Paul was careful to start his letters off regarding his young apprentice Timothy, you see where Moses was intentional about including Joshua (one of the 12 spies, and only one of 2 that brought back a positive report) to accompany him even when it came to meeting with God, and how he (mentioned in Exodus 33:11) opted to stay in the tent of meeting, in the presence of God.  So who's the younger individual that you are pouring yourself into; that you are discipling?  That when people see you....that person isn't far behind?  That you are passing the baton off to?

The truth is I believe we were all a Timothy once....think about who wasn't that mentored or discipled you?  Now, the expectancy is that you should be doing it for someone else.  Sweet is onto something, because the risk is, if you aren't discipling or mentoring someone, you end up with the book of Judges, where there is no leader (because Joshua discipled no one), and people are doing what they want to do.   Your goal in life she be pretty clear based on scripture...." Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  No need to provide you with any other challenge than this because it (your life) should be about further His Kingdom, not your agenda, for His Glory!  LGLP

Friday, March 23, 2012

Who's Your Jethro a.k.a. - Your Butt Kicker:

Now when many of you read that title you are probably think of maybe your modern day Jillian, Bob, Dovan from biggest loser, someone to get into your head and get you motivated to do the things to actually save your life.  Well that works....see Moses was killing himself trying to do it all, and called for help...and enters Jethro, his father in law.  In the book "The 11......" Leonard Sweet states in the chapter "Withness 3 Who's your Jethro? You need a Butt-Kicker"
"You grow up and don't have parents to kick you out of bed.  But you still need someone to kick you around when you're intellectually/morally/spiritually lazy, dumb and fat:"

Jethro’s Wise Advice
13 The next day, Moses took his seat to hear the people’s disputes against each other. They waited before him from morning till evening.
14 When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he asked, “What are you really accomplishing here? Why are you trying to do all this alone while everyone stands around you from morning till evening?”
15 Moses replied, “Because the people come to me to get a ruling from God. 16 When a dispute arises, they come to me, and I am the one who settles the case between the quarreling parties. I inform the people of God’s decrees and give them his instructions.”
17 “This is not good!” Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. 18 “You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself. 19 Now listen to me, and let me give you a word of advice, and may God be with you.

See Jethro wasn't Jewish, and if you really scale this back you notice that Moses and the Israelites were IN THE WILDERNESS wandering around, and Jethro came from his home with Moses wife and kids.  HELLO - Moses's butt kicker wasn't in his religious community, nor was he wrapped up in their wandering.....BUT HE APPARENTLY HAD A RELATIONSHIP with GOD (he was a priest) to come and give Him Godly advice that would save him from an early heart attack.   Your Jethro maybe of a different denomination, they may not be, but what you have to be open to realizing is that YOU NEED THIS PERSON, often times we are so busy trying to be grown....we don't give somebody the authority of a NATHAN to correct us, or a JETHRO to tell us that we are DOING TOO MUCH, and or WE ARE DOING IT ALL WRONG!  See it's when you've done all that you can do, when you education and life experiences have been exhausted that this person is really really important because they offer a fresh GODLY perspective that can help get you over your wall.

CHALLENGE:  Identify your JETHRO or who are you a JETHRO to?  Listen to them...and if you don't have one....become open to the idea of the need for one, and just maybe he/she has been waiting for you to open up to allow them to bless you.   LGLP

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"You Got A Friend In ........" Do You Really?

 As we continue in the book " The 11......" the next Withness Leonard Sweet suggests you need is A Jonathan, not just a best friend but a true friend.  He stated:  But most of all, a Jonathan sacrifices himself for  you, even knowing as the original Jonathan knew, that the more your song rises, they more his or her own song fades into the background.  A Jonathan is willing to lead a life of decreasing significance, or as John the Baptist  put it so eloquently about his younger cousin Jesus, " He must become greater; I must become less."

1 Samuel 18:2-4(NLT)

2 From that day on Saul kept David with him and wouldn’t let him return home. 3 And Jonathan made a solemn pact with David, because he loved him as he loved himself. 4 Jonathan sealed the pact by taking off his robe and giving it to David, together with his tunic, sword, bow, and belt.
Who's that guy or that girl for you?  That is like your second self?  You know they could order for you in a restaraunt?  That as they live alongside you they are singing the song...." If we stick together  we can see it through, Cause you got a friend in me." - Randy Newman, Toy Story  Jonathan was so committed to David's success that he defied his own father.   He equipped DAvid with his royal robe, armor, and weapons.......  Friendships play out in pop-culture...Frodo had Sam, Harry Potter had Ron, Laverne had Shirley, Batman had Robin.....Friendships are importan and according to scripture ONLY HE WHO SHOWS HIMSELF/HERSELF FRIENDLY are the ones that have friends....which ultimately means:
1.  You have to be willing to love someone else more than yourself.
2.  Be willing to lay your life down for that individual's life/success.
3.  You have to be willing to be honest (transparent).
Jesus is our best (truest) friend, and He has demonstrated the top 3 aforementioned things, begin first coming to the reality that He truly is OUR BEST FRIEND, and prayerfully you will warm up to the importance of as believers.....that we must befriend even sinners, in order to reach them for the Kingdom.  LGLP

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nathan: Who's Authorized To Give You the Finger?

In the book "The 11 Most Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without" by Leonard Sweet in the chapter "Withness 1: Who's your Nathan?  You Need an Editor" he is careful to present a new way of thinking converse to the the standard of having an accountability partner, and presents an author editor relationship based on this Biblical account of Nathan and David, as well as the historical failure of accountability as it relates to relationships.

The Biblical account highlighted is 2Sam. 12:7-9a  Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man! This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. 8 I gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you all Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. 9 Why did you despise the word of the LORD by doing what is evil in his eyes?

See Nathan's role was not just to just keep a record of David's wrongs (which is often the guise when one thinks of an having an accountability partner...and who wants that) but rather he was a person that wanted to see David be the best David by :

1.  Getting Under Your Skin - He used a compelling parable, instead of marching in saying you screwed up.
2.  Asking Questions: like an editor they are constantly checking in to make sure your actions are communicating what you really want to get across.
3.  Tell the Truth even if it hurts(radical honesty about everything) - because it is the truth according to the Word of God, not their version of it...and we need to hear it an know it; the truth that is.

Nathan name means gift, and while some may really wonder if they really want this type of person around to "call you on your stuff" just think, David was a King, listed as the man after God's on heart, and even though David was dead wrong....he ended up naming one of his own son's Nathan....why because this person is truly a gift in some one's life.   Who's your Nathan?  Who can give you finger?  If you don't have one, I suggest you find yourself in a community of people (a small group community or intimate relationship) where you give someone, or a few some one's that really genuinely love and care about you, the authority help edit your life story to make sure you stay true to you, and GodHonor GOD today, by thanking Him for your Nathan, and send a thank you to the person that is your Nathan.  LGLP

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Who's Your Team?

In the book  "The 11 Most Indispensable Relationships You Can't Be Without" by Leonard Sweet he spends a great deal of time talking about " The real meaning of life is not a journey questions or an arrival question.  It's a relationship question.  Your journey and your destination are both important, but neither is possible without an answer to this prior question: Who do you have with you?"

13 Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. 14 He appointed twelve that they might be with him.  Mark 3:13-14a

About 3 years ago I had been blessed to be able to fly out to Saddleback Church to sit amongst the movers & shakers of modern day teaching & preaching.   Enters this one guy (via video conference) Leonard Sweet who sounded like an hyper-intelligent madman, that was living in the secluded mountains talking about the importance of relationships.  After mentioning one of his personal best sellers " The Gospel According to Starbucks" he began talking about this new book " The 11......" and I was awakened.  I felt I really needed this book to help me on my own personal journey.  After picking this book up...I was not only encouraged, I was inspired to lead a group of men to read a book on the importance of "relationships" and this group of men and I lives were heavily impacted to awaken to the reality  WE NEED A TEAM to be successful.  JESUS didn't come down off the mountain from standing toe to toe with Satan and say.......I'm ready GOD, to do this alone!!!  No JESUS CHRIST, the son of GOD chose 12 to BE WITH HIM!   In every great movie....theirs a cast to help pull off the show.   In your have a cast some you didn't get to select (parents, grandparents, etc) and some you do (friends, business partners, co-workers, neighbors, parishioners) but nonetheless have you discovered WHY they are in your life?   Have you really put much time in effort in discovering their giftedness, their own personal stories & appreciating EACH person GOD placed in your little world?

For the next several days, I plan to walk your through this book called The 11, because I think there's much to be said about your relationships, and God's design for you to be in community with a group of people that desire to see you, be your best you.  CHALLENGE:  Think about the people you currently have in your life.  Take some time today to pray for those closest to you, praise God specifically for each one of them.  Even the one that may have, or has already betrayed you.  LGLP

Monday, March 19, 2012

Do You Really Desire to Love as HE Loves?

 19 An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city.
      Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars.  Prov. 18:19

In the book The Bait of Satan by John Bevere in the chapter Massive Offense he talks about how when we are offended or live with this offense in us how hard it is for us to love our trust, even in the church.  
" The focus of offended Christians is inward and introspective.  We guard our rights & personal relationships carefully.  Our energy is consumed with making sure no future injuries will occur.  If we don't risk being hurt, we cannot give unconditional love.  Unconditional love gives others the right to hurt us."

3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. 5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.  Romans 5:3-5

So when was the last time you were hurt?  In your marriage?  Your job?  By your kids?  By your local church?  Whenever it was......did you realize that the people that hurt you....were people too?  Imperfect just as you are?  See.....if we put up walls everytime someone hurt us, we will have an extremely difficult time giving love and recieving love.   When someone hurts us, it's in our best interest to attempt to understand why they did it through their lenses, and also to at least communicate in love to that person, that they in fact did hurt you, giving them the opportunity to apologize and demonstrate the Grace of God, that He offers to us daily as we hurt Him.  All of which as the scripture states...helps us to build character (the character of GOD) and endurance to persevere through such times.  This is how friends, marriages, churches, work relationships last until death.....because the people are truly committed to the main thing!  Loving & Caring for each other.

There's a lyric in a song that says " Who you love, I'll Love" ( and in order of us to truly Love Who He loves, and even love like He loves....we must be willing to be hurt.  We must actually forfeit the right not to be hurt.  I pray today you destroy that wall and open yourself up to be loved, and to finally be able to love wrecklessly as He loves us.  CHALLENGE: Step outside your comfort zone, and put yourself in a position to be vulnerable in begining a new relationship, accepting that this appointment was of GOD's diving design.  LGLP

Friday, March 16, 2012

Don't Forget......There's War Going on!!!!

Again in the book Waking the Dead by John Eldredge in the chapter "A Battle is Under Way" he's informing us that things are really more than what they seem.  "Something has happened that Daniel doesn't understand.  We don't understand about 90% of what happens to us, eitherDaniel is troubled.  He sets out to get an answer.  But three weeks of prayer and fasting produce no results. "

Maybe you can've been fasting and praying to God about_____________ and for whatever the reason you feel like heaven is silent...but let me submit to you this scripture from Daniel 10:11-14 
11 And the man said to me, “Daniel, you are very precious to God, so listen carefully to what I have to say to you. Stand up, for I have been sent to you.” When he said this to me, I stood up, still trembling.
 12 Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. 13 But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the archangels, came to help me, and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia.  14 Now I am here to explain what will happen....

See.....what you need to understand is GOD does care, and GOD has heard your heart, your cries, your calling out to Him, and possibly like in Daniel's case....God sent your answer immediately....but is it possible that this world's prince, Satan....doesn't want to see that Angel, that answer to prayer to ever reach you, so of course he's setting up a defense against you?  Now don't get me wrong....I don't believe that our delays are always yes, anymore than  I believe they are no.....but I believe this shed's light not only in the realm of prayer, but spiritually there are forces that don't want to see you succeed in your business, your marriage, your ministry...and not just you...but other people's as well.  What we must be careful...and cautious not to ever to find ourselves on the wrong side...the side against God's will.  So let us be careful in our place in battle and make sure that we are on the Lord's side, which sometimes require us to just Stand...and Daniel had done....patiently until he got word.

My challenge for you realizing the battle is not yours, but it is the Lord's (2Chr. 20:15).  Remain prayerful...loving..patient and vigilant while God works all things out for your good (Rom. 8:28).  So in the meantime may you be found loving God, and loving people!  LGLP

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Are You Awake, or Are You Sleep on the Job?

In the book Waking the Dead, by John Eldredge in the chapter called "Things Are Not What They Seem" he is recounting man of the pop culture movies and scriptures where we are literally existing between two worlds; whether it's Alice in Wonderland, Neo in the Matrix, Jacob and seeing angels ascending/descending from Heaven, the two mourning followers of Christ that didn't even realize it was Him walking with them on the road......Eldredge states" Why do suppose God gave us these stories?  Might it have been to remind us that things are not what they seem?  that our interpretation of events may be more than a little off? "

 16 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!”  GENESIS 28:16

It is recorded that Jacob had slipped into a dream of sorts, and for many of us, I wonder are we even aware that we really do exist between two eternities....and depending which of the two you live in, greatly affects how you live.   If you live in the candy coated one, that we blindly refer to as reality God doesn't exist.  Our whole existence is predicated our limited understanding that we Earth is an anomaly, and that we are lucky.  There's nothing more to life....other than your monotonous daily regiment.    Or if you are awake you realize that there is more than meets the eye.  Because you have to had been awaken to the facts:  That there is a war going on, and we are in the middle of it.  That there are forces that operate beyond the physical eye that seek to unravel your destiny, and lull you back to sleep...while others are literally calling you to get involved in this recon mission to seek and save those presumed to be dead or unknowing P.O.W.s.

Proverbs 20:11-13 says it best 11 Even children are known by the way they act,
      whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right.

 12 Ears to hear and eyes to see—
      both are gifts from the LORD.

 13 If you love sleep, you will end in poverty.
      Keep your eyes open, and there will be plenty to eat!

It's not just because your boss is mean, or your husband is distant, or the the kids need to be medicated more....folks WAKE UP!  GOD is calling you to your knees in this battle.....start praying for your concerns like you are in battle.  Start loving people out of their drug addicted, porn consuming, selfish pop culture driven comas.  I pray you accept the gift of life GOD gives you today, and actually open it and start living, instead of leaving it wrapped up on the dresser while  you continue to sleep.   Their are lives at stake...and while you really should care about EVERYONE OF THEM, there are actually friends and family members of yours whose lives are depending on you WAKING THEM UP!  LGLP

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Check Yourself (Your Attitude, Your Postings, Your Heart) Before You .................

In UNDER COVER the chapter Obedience & Submission John Bevere says in Hebrews 13:17 it says  "Obey your leaders and submit to their authority"......We can be submissive in attitude, but not obedient.  A good example is the parable Jesus told of the two sons,discussed in Chapter 3.  The one son had a willing attitude:  "Yes sir, I will go and work in your vineyard."  However he did not obey.  Jesus made it clear he did not do the will of his father, even though he mentally assented to it. "

The whole reason why Paul is encouraging our submission to authority (beit your president, your church elder, pastor, your boss at work, your spouse, your parents) is for the remainder of the Hebrews 13:17 verse(b-d).....because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.  

The older I get the more attention I pay to this thing called stressed.   Not because I am getting older, but because working in the medical field you can't help but acknowledge the fact that STRESS DOES KILL, millions of people.  From the student who commits suicide, to the diagnosis of Hypertension/High Blood Pressure that millions of people struggle with & die from and not all of them due to diet.  I find it fascinating to look at how our Presidents hairs gray and faces age....during their 4-8year terms......and I am pretty sure it's because of STRESS not JOY.   People go to work stressed, they come home stressed....they are stressed in their marriages....they are even stressed at church, and according to Paul, our attitude towards our appointed (not always elected...but GOD appointed, He wasn't on vacation when these people were placed in their positions) needs to be one that allows their work, their task, their responsibility as it relates to caring for you should be a JOY!  When you are serving your _______________________ (fill in the blank) you have to remember you get benefited when their work is a JOY, not a burden. 

It was said to me you have one mouth, so you can't be talking about somebody and praying for them at the same time, you are either doing one or the other.  My challenge for you today is to BECOME AWARE OF ARE YOU ADDING STRESS or JOY to the people around you?  Does your spouse love being your spouse?  Does your teacher enJOY their JOB because of you?  Are your parents on medication because of you?  Are you kids on medication because of you?   Do your postings endorse your opinions, or GOD's WORD?  Are you reaping the benefits of your obedience to ALL OF THOSE persons GOD has placed over you....or are you a rebel with a misguided cause?  JUST LGLP!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Are You Going Through the Motions.....Or Do You Really Have a Broken & Contrite Heart

In the book UNDER COVER by John Bevere he talks about in the chapter "It's Hard To Kick Against The Goads" about we are to " Never forget: it is not just outward obedience that God desires, but a broken and contrite heart that thirsts and hungers for the will of God.  For this reason David said in Psalms 51:16-17  16For You delight not in sacrifice, or else would I give it; You find no pleasure in burnt offering.
    17My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.

So I am certain many of you have already got out of the door for  your days couldn't quite start without your morning cup of Joe, maybe a bagel, something fresh to eat, you might even have stopped to have a breakfast sandwich....but how many of you actually got up this morning hungry and thirsty for righteousness....the will of God for your life, your marriage, your job, your community?  I think it is safe to say every living human being wakes up either hungry or thirsty if not both.  Picture here are some kids that wake up hungry too.   As you can see their boney arms are outstretched I am sure hoping that they are going to recieve what they are in need of.  Is your desire for righteousness as strong as theirs for a morsel of bread or a bowl of mixed grains with water?

Matthew 5:6 says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."  Are you just going through the motions of your daily grind?  Does your heart break for the will of God as it concerns YOU?  Are you, will you be at the least repentant as you pray this evening for opportunities missed that you knew about, as well as didn't know about.  Will you take a moment to apologize to God, send an email to a friend you know is struggling, pray and ask God's forgiveness and awake tomorrow feeding the hunger and thirsting for righteousness?   Singing God's praises is cool, but He wants to see your heart moved to repentance....and see you take a fresh step in His direction of seeing those in need, and serving them from where you are capable. 

I pray that your heart breaks for what breaks His, and that you are inspired to seek out and bless the brokenhearted of this world, that you can minister the love of God to those in deep need.  LGLP

Monday, March 12, 2012

Totally Dependant on His Spirit

In the book RADICAL by David Platt in the chapter The Importance of Relying On God's Power  he speaks of how we program this thing called worship service to satisfy the appetites of consumer society called our congregation by:  " 1) Having  a really good performance.   2)  Having a beautiful edifice that will hold & house the crowd for this incredible performance....because if they can't entertain us...what's the point of going.  3)  We have to have someone that is so good....that they keep coming back.  "

I'm really a new Pastor of a church, because I'm being prepared to help lead people into Truly Loving God, and Loving People....and while I belong to a great church, Calvary, and they are dynamic in everything they do down to even supporting me until I am able to transition from my full time job, into full time ministry.....I still wake up everyday dependant on the Power of God and His Spirit!  Don't get me wrong we have a great worship vocal team, a top quality band, power point presentations to help connect people to the songs, as well as the messages, and no amount of schooling, and preparation for the morning's messages will ever be good enough to replace the impact of God's Spirit that I must rely on, to touch the hearts of the people that fill the seats from week to week.  In 1Kings 18:20-40 Elijah shows us why relying on God's power is key to all we do....

1 Kings 18:22-40 (MSG)  22-24 Then Elijah said, "I'm the only prophet of God left in Israel; and there are 450 prophets of Baal. Let the Baal prophets bring up two oxen; let them pick one, butcher it, and lay it out on an altar on firewood—but don't ignite it. I'll take the other ox, cut it up, and lay it on the wood. But neither will I light the fire. Then you pray to your gods and I'll pray to God. The god who answers with fire will prove to be, in fact, God."

Elijah, following GOD, put a set of circumstances in order to prove who was the real GOD, God or Baal that they had been worshipping.  Elijah had even went to the extreme of dousing the altar God had him to build with copious amounts of water...that made it seemingly impossible for fire to come and engulf the sacrifice...but when He trusted and believed in the Power of God, and prayed.....GOD BLESSED.  TODAY it is essential that you live out your faith, leaning and depending on GOD not your ability to re-articulate Sunday's message, because the truth is we live in a world that believe in Baal or that they themselves are their own gods.    They will come to their limitations and when they do, they need to see that you are trusting in something that is greater than yourself.  That when crisis strikes you aren't destroyed to your core.

So I know today is only Monday, and you have to get up, get out and _______________________, but here's my encouragement for you....You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you....Phil.4:13 which includes your ability through Him, to truly LOVE GOD, and LOVE people!  You may not know how you are going to make it through...but I assure you that if you rely on the POWER OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD, you will surely make it through!  LGLP

Friday, March 9, 2012

Catering to Who?

In the book Radial, by David Platt  he talks about the possibility that we've (the church or leaders there of) have settled into a faith that's a lot less radical and way more comfortable.

"........,I couldn't help but think that somewhere along the way we missed what is radical about our faith, and replaced it what is comfortable.  We were settling for a Christianity that revolves our catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually about abandoning ourselves."

Being a man of a few giftings, one of the ones that brings me delight is catering.  I get the opportunity to use some of my culinary skills, to spend some time with people on my mind and what, and how I am preparing something specifically for each one of them that will touch them deep in their bodies and even possibly their souls.  Something that is known to provide a sense of comfort and delight.    While I do make a little bit of money (enough to cover my costs, and maybe gas...being such a small business) it's not about the money at all.  It's about being able to serve people, that I may have never got to meet.  It's about being a backdrop to the event in the room...where my passion for serving people, and serving good food collide leaving a wreckage of full bellies and love in the room.   Christ had a way of doing that.....of feeding lots of people physically and much so....He communicated to His own disciples in Matthew 20:27-28 27 and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. 28 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

See if you take this thing called Christianity and faith seriously you immediately have to step outside of yourself and see the great need, the harvest around you.   When you wake up do you have a conversation with Christ?  (It's called a devotion...where prayer (an intimate conversation between you and Jesus), and meditation are involved.)  Who does He tell you to cater to?  Is today about you getting...or about you getting to give? Jesus came to server others and sacrifice His life, I know you have kids....families....but as a TRUE WORSHIPPER you are to serve your co-workers, strangers, every person you come in contact with  and through His love.   Like a caterer, spend some time this morning preparing something (it doesn't have to be physical can be your devotional, this blog....something) bless the people you may encounter.   Let's be RADICAL....actually LOVE GOD, and LOVE PEOPLE! 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Continue In Deep Love

In the book "Living a Life on Loan " by Rick Rusaw & Eric Swanson, want to provide it's readers with the scope of taking a look at how we live our life, and how critical living an evangelistic life is to the building of God's kingdom.  In the chapter 5, Grace @ the Intersections they talk about how we have a part, and God has a part in our evangelistic attempts to live out this faith.  We
1) Have to pray that God would prepare people's hearts to believe the Gospel. (Rom. 10:1). 
2) That God would open doors for significant spiritual conversations to present.(Colossians 4:3). 
3) That God would give you the words to speak clearly as we engage them in spiritual conversations. (Colossians 4:4)

He goes on to say "we'd love through our efforts to see every person come to Christ through our deeds of love, but if they don't...we should still continue with deeds of love because this is what you do as a Christ-follower." 

How many people on the job, in your neighborhood, even in your own family have you discarded because they didn't recieve your attempt to pitch Christ to them?  Whose to say it wasn't your delivery, or tone, or your timing?  How many times did Christ have to knock you to your knees to show you who He was, and how deeply it is He loves you?  How many times did you reject His love shown to you through others, before you actually got it?   Evangelism isn't a tool to try to fill our worship centers & halls, it's a way of's an opportunity for you to be filled with the indwelling of God's Spirit to live out this thing called grace and immulating it in all you do.  If we really know Christ, we will also come understand we will be rejected, we will be hurt, we will take on persecution....but we are to continue in deep love for God's creation, His crowing glory, each and every living soul!

This is why 1Peter 4:7-9 leaves us this encouragement:  7 The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. 8 Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.

So let's be intentional in our prayers before we leave the home this morning, that God would prepare their hearts, give us multiple opps to share transformation stories, and that He'd give us the words to share..or better yet..the heart to show them by serving them in deep love regardless of whether they recieve it well or not.  Bottom line continue to .....Love God, Love People!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What Do You Want? (REALLY)

In the book WIDE AWAKE by Erwin McManus he is attempting to wake up the reader to embrace and live the extraordinary life GOD envisioned when He first conceived you in His thoughts before you took your first breath.  In the chapter DREAM he summarizes  our encounter with Jesus and life to this:  If you had Jesus right in front of you and he asked you, " What do you want?" what would you say to him?  What are you asking God for?  What is driving you?  If you were a blind man, you'd give the same answer he did.  You would start with your deepest longing - the dream that seems too good to be true, the dream  that seems too good to come true.

If we are all honest...dreams are the stuff that life is made out of.  I mean think about it...every great thing we have...was a dream first. Computers, automobiles, central air, fast food (o.k. maybe not so great), lasix surgery, even Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that is still a work in progress...but all born from dreams.    We have several examples of people in scripture  that had dreams or longings that once confronted with the reality & ability of JESUS began to ask Him to answer their dreams/longings.   You have blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10), you have the man at the pool of Siloam (John 9), but it's the request of a mother that really shows what it means to request your deepest longings....Matt. 20:20-21:   Then the mother of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus with her sons. She knelt respectfully to ask a favor.  What is your request?” he asked.
   She replied, “In your Kingdom, please let my two sons sit in places of honor next to you, one on your right and the other on your left.”

Here is a parent that wants sees the best in her sons.  Here's a mother who loves her sons, and desires to see them be great men, not bumps on a log.   But rather rulers alongside Jesus the CHRIST!   Of course this is lofty.  But who desires to see their kids as less, rather than more?  Who doesn't look into the eyes of that beautiful baby, and dream that they'd be homeless, or on drugs, or a total waste of a life.  No one!  But what about you?   Are you living a dream (your dream for your life), or is your dream more like a nightmare????   I submit to you Jesus Christ, is and has been asking you..."What Do You Want?  What is Your Request?"  His word tells us that whatever we ask (in line with His will, and His glory (emphasis mine) we will receive.  (John 15:7, Mark 11:24).

CHALLENGE as  you pray, fast ,or fast and pray today, Go before our risen LORD, and ask BOLDLY for what your deepest longings are for someone else ( a friend, a co-worker, a family member) first, then tell Him what your deepest longing is.  Trust that He will answer (according to His will and desire for you) and close that time with praising Him for listening to your prayer. LGLP

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Why Am I Not Healed?

In the book "Life's Healing Choices"by Rick Warren in chapter 4 (Coming Clean) we are encouraged to admit your faults to another person.   Here's an excerpt:  

"Why can't we just admit our faults to God?  Why must another person be involved?  Because the root of our problems are relational.  We lie to each other, decieve each other, and are dishonest with each other.  We where masks pretending we have it together.  We deny our true feelings and play games largely because we believe, "If they really knew the truth about me, they wouldn't love me." 

I believe, me Ray, that this is the reason why as individuals that make up the church we never reach our full potential, because it's the big show, a failed attempt to make people think WE ARE HOLY, WE ARE RIGHTEOUS, WE DO HAVE GREAT MARRIAGES (not that none of these exist...but by in large we are all a work in progress) , and when we invite our friends...they are so far from those things, that they don't feel comfortable "committing" and therefor stay away.   But if we told them who we really we really feel....we just might experience authenticity/transparency that invites other's to join this process called healing that CHRIST offers when we confess our sins to one another.   Read it here:

 James 5:16
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

I am in no way telling you to tell just anyone...but rather allow GOD to allow you to engage in a relationship, and He will show you who YOUR STUFF is safe with that will earnestly pray for you, support you, and walk with you through the healing that the WORD of GOD offers us.  So as I spoke on Sunday, this week, each day find a different person, or different marriage to devote your day to praying to GOD on their behalfs, and YOU TOO.....confess your own sins to a close friend that will carry you in prayer so that you too may experience the healing you are in need of.  LGLP

Monday, March 5, 2012

Moving Forward

In the book Spiritual Leadership by Henry &  Richard Blackaby they talk about the "Leader's Role" and that true spiritual leadership is " moving people on to God's agenda."  Essentially from where they are to where GOD wants them to be.   For me, one of the best examples of this in scripture is found in Nehemiah 2:17-18 17 Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.” 18 I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me.
   They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.

There is no disputing that Nehemiah loved GOD, Loved His People, and loved the church.  He desired that not only they would look good to the outside world, but that the people would commit to a great work in honor of the LORD thy GOD.   I don't know where you attend to worship, serve, and grow each week...but where ever  you are attending...have you joined in this "good work," of rebuilding?  Depending upon where you are you might be physically, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally rebuilding a person's life, a physical church, or helping people to see themselves and others as Christ does, or do you just sit on the sidelines?

My prayer every day, is that my life blesses the people I come in contact with to MOVE FORWARD:
1)  in their studying of GOD's word,
2) in their walk with GOD.
3) in their knowledge of Who He is, and who they are in Him.
4) and in helping them discover GOD's will for their lives.

WE are all heading (going) somewhere and I hope I get to play a part in helping you join in this "good work" that GOD gives us, and we are constantly moving forward deeper into His will for our lives.  LGLP