Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Why Am I Not Healed?

In the book "Life's Healing Choices"by Rick Warren in chapter 4 (Coming Clean) we are encouraged to admit your faults to another person.   Here's an excerpt:  

"Why can't we just admit our faults to God?  Why must another person be involved?  Because the root of our problems are relational.  We lie to each other, decieve each other, and are dishonest with each other.  We where masks pretending we have it together.  We deny our true feelings and play games largely because we believe, "If they really knew the truth about me, they wouldn't love me." 

I believe, me Ray, that this is the reason why as individuals that make up the church we never reach our full potential, because it's the big show, a failed attempt to make people think WE ARE HOLY, WE ARE RIGHTEOUS, WE DO HAVE GREAT MARRIAGES (not that none of these exist...but by in large we are all a work in progress) , and when we invite our friends...they are so far from those things, that they don't feel comfortable "committing" and therefor stay away.   But if we told them who we really are....how we really feel....we just might experience authenticity/transparency that invites other's to join this process called healing that CHRIST offers when we confess our sins to one another.   Read it here:

 James 5:16
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

I am in no way telling you to tell just anyone...but rather allow GOD to allow you to engage in a relationship, and He will show you who YOUR STUFF is safe with that will earnestly pray for you, support you, and walk with you through the healing that the WORD of GOD offers us.  So as I spoke on Sunday, this week, each day find a different person, or different marriage to devote your day to praying to GOD on their behalfs, and YOU TOO.....confess your own sins to a close friend that will carry you in prayer so that you too may experience the healing you are in need of.  LGLP

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