Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Who's Your Yoda (Peter/Paul)?

By far, to me, one of the most interesting chapters of " The 11.............." by Leonard Sweet is the chapter titled " Withness 6: Who's Your Peter/Paul?  You Need A Yoda" not because I am a Star Wars junkie at heart, but because if we are honest: " each one of us needs a Yoda- a mentor, a guru, a coach, a spiritual teacher/director --if we are to complete successfully the missions to which God is summoning us........Each one of us needs someone to look up to, a wiser, (usually) older, God-energized guide who can help us find our way through this new and unfamiliar landscape landscape that is not for the faint hearts or weak stomachs." pg 115

And he appointed twelve (whom he also names apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach and have authority to cast our demons.  Mark 3:14-15

Paul wanted Timothy to accompany him, and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those places, for they all knew that his father was a Greek. Acts 16:3

The disciples had Jesus.   Timothy had Paul.  Luke had Yoda.  Neo had Morpheus......but what about you?  Who's voice is it that helps you make the tough decisions, and forces you to pause before making the ones that appear to be no brainers that helps you to listen to what it is or maybe the Spirit is calling you to?  Mine...has been a host of people, from Mark Mueller (a dear brother in the faith), my stepfather Alvin Center, to my old constant brother Dr. Richard Exley, to a few great men and women of the faith that have Pastored me over the years.   Without these individuals....I am certain that I wouldn't be where I am today, nor would I be the person I am becoming.   What about you?  Who's your Paul/Peter/Yoda...who's on your a good way that's talking you through the major decisions of your life?  If you don't have someone......(JESUS is a great first choice....but until you can truly say you know HIS voice) you might be benefited by someone who already does know HIS voice, and listens to HIM regularly, that loves you...and wants to see you be/do your best.  If you already have that person who's "showing your the ropes" bless them today with a email of appreciation or even a shout out....LGLP

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