Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Check Yourself (Your Attitude, Your Postings, Your Heart) Before You .................

In UNDER COVER the chapter Obedience & Submission John Bevere says in Hebrews 13:17 it says  "Obey your leaders and submit to their authority"......We can be submissive in attitude, but not obedient.  A good example is the parable Jesus told of the two sons,discussed in Chapter 3.  The one son had a willing attitude:  "Yes sir, I will go and work in your vineyard."  However he did not obey.  Jesus made it clear he did not do the will of his father, even though he mentally assented to it. "

The whole reason why Paul is encouraging our submission to authority (beit your president, your church elder, pastor, your boss at work, your spouse, your parents) is for the remainder of the Hebrews 13:17 verse(b-d).....because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.  

The older I get the more attention I pay to this thing called stressed.   Not because I am getting older, but because working in the medical field you can't help but acknowledge the fact that STRESS DOES KILL, millions of people.  From the student who commits suicide, to the diagnosis of Hypertension/High Blood Pressure that millions of people struggle with & die from and not all of them due to diet.  I find it fascinating to look at how our Presidents hairs gray and faces age....during their 4-8year terms......and I am pretty sure it's because of STRESS not JOY.   People go to work stressed, they come home stressed....they are stressed in their marriages....they are even stressed at church, and according to Paul, our attitude towards our appointed (not always elected...but GOD appointed, He wasn't on vacation when these people were placed in their positions) needs to be one that allows their work, their task, their responsibility as it relates to caring for you should be a JOY!  When you are serving your _______________________ (fill in the blank) you have to remember you get benefited when their work is a JOY, not a burden. 

It was said to me you have one mouth, so you can't be talking about somebody and praying for them at the same time, you are either doing one or the other.  My challenge for you today is to BECOME AWARE OF ARE YOU ADDING STRESS or JOY to the people around you?  Does your spouse love being your spouse?  Does your teacher enJOY their JOB because of you?  Are your parents on medication because of you?  Are you kids on medication because of you?   Do your postings endorse your opinions, or GOD's WORD?  Are you reaping the benefits of your obedience to ALL OF THOSE persons GOD has placed over you....or are you a rebel with a misguided cause?  JUST LGLP!

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