They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.
There is no disputing that Nehemiah loved GOD, Loved His People, and loved the church. He desired that not only they would look good to the outside world, but that the people would commit to a great work in honor of the LORD thy GOD. I don't know where you attend to worship, serve, and grow each week...but where ever you are attending...have you joined in this "good work," of rebuilding? Depending upon where you are you might be physically, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally rebuilding a person's life, a physical church, or helping people to see themselves and others as Christ does, or do you just sit on the sidelines?
My prayer every day, is that my life blesses the people I come in contact with to MOVE FORWARD:
1) in their studying of GOD's word, 2) in their walk with GOD.
3) in their knowledge of Who He is, and who they are in Him.
4) and in helping them discover GOD's will for their lives.
WE are all heading (going) somewhere and I hope I get to play a part in helping you join in this "good work" that GOD gives us, and we are constantly moving forward deeper into His will for our lives. LGLP
Brother I am looking forward to this!!